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Sleeping Platforms

The Hideaway Sleeping Platform from Pacific Adventure Works.
Subaru Forester with sleeping platform for car camping

You already own the quietest, safest, most weatherproof tent in the world. Your vehicle.

Compatible with any vehicle you'd want to sleep in

There are lots of ways to sleep in your vehicle - an air mattress, a DIY sleeping platform, or a permanently installed drawer system. We tried them all but nothing met our needs for the perfect sleeping platform: it needed to be lightweight, create a level surface with room for gear underneath, and require no permanent installation. So we decided to build it! That's how the Hideaway Sleeping Platform was born.

It sets up in minutes and telescopes in length for a custom fit in almost any vehicle.  Adjust the height for the right clearance so you can fit all the gear you need.  Throw a sleeping pad on top and you're ready to go! Breakdown is simple- collapse the frame to fit in your trunk and leave it there as a gear shelf or quickly disassemble the frame with the push buttons, wrap everything up like a burrito, and keep it in your trunk or garage for when you need it.

We love the Hideaway because lets you take advantage of a cozy, quiet, weatherproof place to sleep that you already own- your vehicle. Stash your camping box, chairs, tables, coolers underneath the platform. Free up your roof rack for bikes, skis, surfboards, fly rods and other gear (no roof top tent) and be ready to pull off at those perfectly awesome, surprise camping spots because your bed is always made.

Pull your door shut with a thud, and get a great night's sleep to be ready for tomorrow's adventures. 

closer shot of two vehicles on a baja surf trip

Designed and engineered for you to get out there faster, better.

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